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B2B Teams Turn to Buyer Insights to Deliver Next-Level Personalization
The Rise of Precision Demand Marketing B2B Teams Turn to Buyer Insights to Deliver Next-Level Personalization
For B2B marketers, the days of intrusive sales calls, irrelevant display ads, spammy LinkedIn requests, and broad-brush marketing are over. Today’s buyers expect personalization at every stage of their journey, across every channel. The stakes are high, as the Read the report and get powerful insights into: digital age has placed buyers firmly in the driver’s seat. To break through crowded channels and convert prospects into buyers, B2B The top issues preventing B2B teams from executing teams must deliver next-level personalization that speaks directly personalized, buyer-centric approaches. to a buyer’s pain points, needs, and business goals. How marketers can tear down the walls that prevent teams But new research shows many organizations are still stuck in the past and have yet to adjust their marketing tactics to deliver the from working across channels. personal touch that today’s buyers crave. According to the survey, only 20 percent of marketers personalize their strategies and tactics The importance of maintaining a healthy, connected for buyers. It should come as no surprise then that only 12 percent database to gain an accurate view of prospective buyers said their teams are hitting their marketing goals with their current and accounts. personalization strategies. Why it’s time for B2B teams to rethink their tech stacks. This report examines where marketers are falling short on their personalization efforts and explores the emergence of Precision Demand Marketing (PDM), a new approach that delivers buyers the relevant information they need, right where and when they need it.
Survey Overview What is your function on the marketing team? What is your level within the marketing team? Demand Generation % Director % 25 36 Digital Marketing 19% Manager 29% CMO/VP of Marketing 18% Executive 16% Growth Marketing 10% Practitioner 10% ABM 8% VP 9% Content Marketing 7% Marketing Operations 7% Other 3%
Most marketers are falling short of meeting modern buyer expectations

It’s no secret that B2B teams aren’t hitting the mark on What level of personalization do you utilize across personalization efforts. According to the survey, only your marketing strategy and tactics? 12 percent of respondents strongly agree with the idea that their teams are meeting their goals. Just 16 percent said their database is effective and unified enough to enable their personalization strategies, while a mere % 18 percent said their current tech stacks have actually 6 enabled them to orchestrate a personalization strategy. We define our personalization Given the data, it’s clearly time for marketers to move efforts differently. beyond simply targeting accounts and personas and instead double down on a personalized, buyer-centric approach. After all, accounts don’t buy: People do. % % 20 29 We personalize our strategy We personalize our and tactics for account-level strategy and tactics customization. for buyer-based personalization. % % 21 25 We don’t currently We personalize our strategy prioritize personalization. and tactics for persona-level customization.

PDM empowers marketers to meet the What’s holding marketers back from personalization? challenges of this new world. But to reach this level of marketing maturity, B2B 30 percent said teams must first address gaps in their their personalization processes. That means tearing down the strategy is siloed per tool. walls between teams, technology, and data––walls that prevent communication % % and cross-channel insights and lead to 51 30 72 percent said their disjointed, impersonal programs with efforts are siloed per tactic or limited to one disappointing conversion rates. or a few channels. 51 percent said their biggest challenge to moving toward a personalized approach is a % disconnect between how 72 teams build and execute strategies.
Despite the challenges, there’s hope. How soon do you think your organization More and more marketers now see the will be able to execute scalable buyer-level value of moving toward buyer-level personalization programs? personalization and are planning to ramp up their efforts in the coming months. 40% Among the respondents, 22 percent said they plan to prioritize buyer-level Prioritized for the next 12 months personalization strategies over the next six months. 27% Prioritized in the next 2-5 years 22% Prioritized for the next six months % 11 Not a priority
Organizational silos and burnout are preventing B2B teams from shifting to a buyer-centric approach

My team is achieving its marketing goals with our Today’s B2B buyers rely on a multitude of digital channels to current personalization strategy research purchasing decisions. As sales’ role shrinks in the face of self-service buying, the responsibility for connecting with buyers has shifted. 52% Marketers must deliver connected, personalized, and multichannel buyer journeys that reach prospects where Somewhat agree they are, right when they’re ready to buy. But too many B2B marketing teams aren’t structured to do so. As a result, % prospects and clients are the unfortunate recipients of 23 unwanted, intrusive, and irrelevant content rather than the Neutral personalized, meaningful vendor interactions they seek. B2B buyers are consumers at heart. They have a low 12% tolerance for poor digital interactions. If marketers aren’t Strongly agree driving conversations, we’re driving disconnections. And it’s costing millions. 10% Somewhat disagree % 2 Disagree
Organizational silos are major obstacles on the path What are the negative impacts of organizational silos to delivering omnichannel, buyer-centric experiences. on omnichannel personalization? When building marketing campaigns, many marketers must also deal with disconnected data and technology, which prevents them from getting a single, clear view of accounts and buyers. With so many unaligned teams, marketers are unable to rise to the occasion. They simply can’t deliver the % % personalized programs that reach precisely the right 64 51 buyers at the right times. This takes a toll on morale and performance, leading to overwhelmed, burned-out marketing teams and higher turnover rates. 51 percent report a 64 percent said they disconnect between don’t have the bandwidth how their teams build to deliver true omnichannel % and execute strategies. personalization. 79 79 percent said their personalization strategy does not exist across key tactics, is limited to only one or a few channels, or is multichannel but siloed per tactic.

In order to have a single view of prospective accounts, you need a tech connected database