Precision Social

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Using social lead generation f orms can inc r ease co nv ersion ra t es up t o 5X P r ecision Social Engage Bu y ers on Their T erms in t he Social Net w orks That Mat t er Most T od a y ’ s B2B bu y ers e xpect mo r e. Mar k e t ers need t o engage wi t h t hese ha r d t o r each bu y ers on t heir t erms, wi t h a personali z ed app r oach which p r o v ides value and builds trust. T o be ef f ecti v e, mar k e t ers must put p r ospec t s first and deli v er high-quality engaging con t ent in t he social net w orks whe r e bu y ers spend most of t heir time. Wi t h ta r get account bu y ing decision-ma k ers and influencers, amplif y ing y our message wi t h p r ecise ta r geting has ne v er been mo r e impo r tant. Whe r e Business Sta r t s F or mo r e in f ormation , please v isit in t eg r a t © 2022 In t eg r a t e Inc.

Where Business Starts For more information, please visit © 2022 Integrate Inc. PRECISION SOCIAL Connect with your buyers in the most trusted social networks in the world With Precision Social, the Integrate Demand Acceleration Platform gives you direct access to your buyers on the world’s largest social networks, LinkedIn and Facebook. Precision Social allows marketers to activate account-based campaigns with precision, leverage native social lead generation forms to make opting in easy, harvest enhanced lead information to ensure 100% marketable data, and gather account-based performance reporting to further refine campaigns. One-stop Opt in—without Leaving LinkedIn or Facebook With Precision Social lead generation form integration, buyers can quickly opt in to receive your content without interrupting their journey—just to fill out a form on a different website. Delivering cohesive social experiences like this can increase conversion by 2X to 3X. And with Integrate lead enhance capability, you’ll know your leads are 100% marketable.

Where Business Starts For more information, please visit © 2022 Integrate Inc. PRECISION SOCIAL M E A S U R E A C T I V A T E GOVERN We Help Marketers Activate Activate your buyers in social networks with precise, scalable cross-channel ad creative Govern Govern and enhance social form lead data to ensure 100% marketable and actionable leads Measure Measure perfor - mance summarized by account and use that information to target accounts in other channels

Where Business Starts For more information, please visit © 2022 Integrate Inc. PRECISION SOCIAL Key Benefits Easily activate account-based marketing campaigns in the social networks that matter most to your buyers. 1 Connect to prefill social lead generation forms that make opting in easy for your buyers and increase conversion rate by up to 5x. 2 Leverage account-level reporting in the Integrate Demand Acceleration Platform to deeply understand account engagement and optimize campaigns across channels. 3 4 Enhance and govern lead data to ensure leads are 100% marketable and actionable for follow up in cross-channel nurture campaigns.