Many marketers just don’t have the platforms they What tools do you use to enable omnichannel need to tear down their silos and execute omnichannel personalization? personalization. In fact, 23 percent of B2B teams say they’re missing the right tools to execute a personalized % approach and 30 percent said their personalization strategy 63 is siloed by tool. An additional 20 percent said they are only CRM relying on a single activation platform for personalization, though specific examples were not given. One write-in 58% response was from a marketer who is, “doing it manually,” Marketing automation highlighting how B2B marketers are still constrained by time-consuming processes. It’s this inability to scale that % hinders deliverability of the customized, omnichannel 39 experiences that today’s buyers expect. Social media management CRM and MA platforms are built to route leads through an 34% email-based funnel to sales, and B2B teams that rely solely Web personalization tools on these tools may miss out on the opportunity to activate buyers on other channels. Meanwhile, sales enablement % and ABM technology push marketers to focus too heavily on 33 persona- and account-level personalization rather than drilling Sales enablement down to reach the individual buyer. Such tools just aren’t % designed for multichannel personalization. 31 Content personalization tools % 10 CDP 8% DMP

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