Organizational silos are major obstacles on the path What are the negative impacts of organizational silos to delivering omnichannel, buyer-centric experiences. on omnichannel personalization? When building marketing campaigns, many marketers must also deal with disconnected data and technology, which prevents them from getting a single, clear view of accounts and buyers. With so many unaligned teams, marketers are unable to rise to the occasion. They simply can’t deliver the % % personalized programs that reach precisely the right 64 51 buyers at the right times. This takes a toll on morale and performance, leading to overwhelmed, burned-out marketing teams and higher turnover rates. 51 percent report a 64 percent said they disconnect between don’t have the bandwidth how their teams build to deliver true omnichannel % and execute strategies. personalization. 79 79 percent said their personalization strategy does not exist across key tactics, is limited to only one or a few channels, or is multichannel but siloed per tactic.

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