Our database is effective and unified to enable our The foundation of any good marketing campaign is high-quality, personalization strategy in-depth, and up-to-date data. This is especially true when it comes to personalization. If marketers are going to deliver the right messages at the right times, they need to know where each buyer within a B2B buying committee is on their journey, as well 38% as each buyer’s pain points and needs. Somewhat agree For that to happen, you’ll need in-depth account-level, buying committee-level, and buyer-level data––the kind of information % that allows marketing teams to intelligently shift channels, 24 messaging, and strategies to create relevant multichannel Neutral experiences for every buyer that’s based on the needs of the rest of the buying committee and the stage of the account. 16% But the research shows that most personalization strategies are Strongly agree built on shaky foundations. 15% In fact, an overwhelming 84 percent Somewhat disagree of marketers said they do not strongly 7% believe that their databases are Disagree effective and unified enough to enable their personalization strategies.

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